31st October is synonymous with Halloween the world over. Did you know that Halloween dates back to the Celtic festival of Samhain where people lit bonfires and wore costumes to ward off evil? Over the years, it has taken a festive fervour where people decorate their homes and play dress up. BHIS Andheri wanted in […]
Month: October 2018
Jalsa 2018
It was a larger-than-life idea. Could we pull it off? There were so many areas to cover, and we are educationists for crying out loud, not event managers. None the less, as we toyed with the idea of one night of Navratri revelry, Jalsa was born. Over the past few weeks, groups were formed, responsibilities […]
Ram Leela Dushera
Today, India celebrates Dushera, the symbolism of good triumphing over evil. We all need heroes to look up to, and we all require to believe that in the end, goodness prevails. As children, we’ve heard stories of Lord Ram vanquishing Ravan, and they remain etched in our memories. Today, at BHIS Andheri our teachers went […]
World Fest
6th October 2018 will go down in BHIS Andheri history as the day the world came over. Our Jr and Sr Kg students put up a marvellous World Fest where world food, music, dance and culture came alive. Our favourite Disney characters travelled across the globe in search of cultural adventures and took our parents […]