“To be inspired is great, but to be an inspiration is an honour.”The Investiture Ceremony, marking the formation of a new ‘Student Council’ for the academic year 2023-24 was solemnised at BHIS, Andheri with great splendour and dignity on Friday, June 23rd. The ceremony signified the confidence that the school bestowed in the newly invested […]
Month: June 2023
World Music Day
Music is the art of thinking with sound” . The beats and tunes creates a symphony of happiness in our life. To promote musical diversity, foster a sense of community through universal language of music and to embrace the rich tapestry of culture it represents, World Music day was celebrated at BHIS Andheri. The students […]
International Yoga Day
“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” The students of BHIS Andheri celebrated International Yoga Day on June 21st,2023 and breathed their way towards healthier minds and bodies. The significance of the day was well articulated coupled with befitting demonstration of yoga. The theme of the year was Vasudev […]