Billabong High International School | School In Andheri

Secondary Children’s Day Celebration

Written by BHIS Team

November 15, 2022

Children’s day is a day to go down memory lane ! No uniform,no studies, fun and frolic! Children’s Day, commemorates the birthday of our first Prime Minister- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and his love for children.At BHIS,the teachers let the students do the watching as they put together an elaborate assembly. It consisted of thoughts of the day in both English and French, an inspiring skit that highlighted positive emotions and made students sit up and take notice, a poem in English and a beautiful, well-written poem in Hindi which left everyone in splits as well as tears! The cherry on the cake was the dance performance of the teachers. This assembly is going to be talked about for days to come!
Way to go BHIS teachers!

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